Tag Archives: Strength

The Gifts I Want to Give

Present with Twinkling Lights: The Gifts I Want to Give
The Gifts I Want to Give

It’s that time of year again when my mind searches for the perfect Christmas gifts.  Truth be told, all the money in the world won’t buy the gifts I want to give.  I’d like to give my friends and family one more day with the ones they are missing: their husband, their dad, their mom, a special friend, a precious child. I’d like to give my friend perfect health-to completely chase out the cancer invading her body.  A friend’s mom keeps forgetting-I’d like to give her a whole day of laughter, love, and joy.  One friend’s husband has a health crisis.  I’d like to give her a  worry-free day.  To the ones who are hurting in unseen ways, I’d like to give you peace.

I can’t give the gifts I want to give,  but God can. He wants to give you comfort. “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles…” (2 Corinthians 1:4, NIV) He wants to give you peace. I am leaving you with a gift–peace of mind and heart…” (John 14:27 NLT) He wants to give you strength. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1 ESV) Incredibly, he also wants to give you life. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16 NIV) On the first Christmas so long ago, God gave the best gift ever: Jesus.  With this perfect gift, you not only get another day…you get the gift of forever.

Things to do today:

  1. Accept the freely-offered gifts from God.
  2. Read a similar blog called ‘The Sun Will Shine Again.’ Also, listen to songs ‘One More Day’ and ‘Take Courage.’

A Strong Tower

In the movie ‘Finding Nemo,’ there’s a funny scene where a group of fish are going to school.  A few of the younger fish see a boat in the distance and wonder what it could be.  One thinks he knows and says it’s called a butt.  In the scene, they dare each other to swim out and touch it.  (Don’t judge me, I didn’t write the movie).  Since then, when I swim at a beach with my niece, we try to swim all the way out to the ‘butt’, (AKA the buoy).  It’s not a simple feat.  The distance to the buoy makes it difficult and the waves moving to shore are pushing against us.  We press on and keep the buoy in sight, yelling encouragement to each other as we go.  As we come close to it, it’s bobbing all over in the water, so it’s hard to touch.  Finally successful, one of us yells, “I touched the butt!”

Unlike a swaying buoy, God is immovable.  From Proverbs 18:10, “The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.”  He doesn’t change. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)   We all have goals in life.  However, they need to take us in the same direction where God is standing.  Think of God as a lighthouse-full of endless light giving us direction in the storms of life.  “The Lord says, ‘I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.  I will advise you and watch over you.'” (Psalms 32:8) Unfortunately, there are going to be ‘waves’ that will come against us.  But let’s press on and keep our eyes on the Lighthouse, because it’s up ahead-and it’s not moving.


You Can Do This!

I bought a bicycle like they use in Spin Classes at the gym.  You know, the classes where all the participants look like they’ve been chiseled out of granite?  Yep, I have that bike.  It’s actually pretty hilarious as my body feels like it was formed from a large box of Play Doh.  As I ride, I watch a Spin Class video and I think the instructor can read my mind.  Just when I am thinking I might stop she says, “Don’t quit now!  You can do this!” So I keep going.  When I think I am not going to make it to the end, she says, “Come on, you’re an athlete, show us how it’s done!” (For some reason Bruce Springsteen’s ‘Glory Days’ is going through my mind…) I’m happy to say with the extra encouragement I usually make it through the workout, but I keep hoping it’s going to get a little easier.

We have to keep going on the tough days of our lives too.  Fortunately, the Bible is rich in encouragement.  We need to grab ahold of all that support God has laid out for us.  Here’s some: “But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” (2 Chronicles 15:7)  Or from Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”  Each of us has those tough times that last longer than they should.  Amazingly, we don’t have to keep moving in our own strength. “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)  Are the odds stacked against you? Listen closely, because God is saying, “Don’t quit now!  You can do this!”


He Restores My Soul

bridge-1276180_1920I’m thankful for weekends.  I have a great job that I enjoy and get incredible satisfaction from doing, but there’s something to be said for a little ‘downtime’.  The weekend may bring time with family, time with friends, or time with the washer and dryer. It could be filled with errands or filled with chores at home.  But there’s a particular part of the weekend I always look forward to: the time of rest.  Weekdays have meetings, deadlines, and demands, but the weekend-that’s the time to breathe.  On the weekend I’m hooked up to a battery charger; the downtime gives me the energy to start another week.  I’m grateful for time off and a little rest.

However, we don’t need a weekend to get a break from the stress of life.  We have a place to rest everyday.  Jesus said, “Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you.  Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy to bear, and my burden I give you is light.” (Matthew 28-30)  God will willingly take your burdens, and He knows exactly what you need.  From Psalm 23:2-3, “He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul…”  Restores my soul… picture a gentle stream flowing through a lush forest; then just breathe.  “But now the Lord my God has given me rest on every side; there is neither adversary nor misfortune.” (1 Kings 5:4) Remember this, it doesn’t matter what day is on your calendar,  because God’s calendar says today you can rest.

Your Power Source


Recently, there’s been a few places that have lost power in my area.  A friend woke up to no power in her house and had the challenge of showering and getting ready for work with no lights.  Another friend lost power in the evening, with guests coming the next day.  Her family did their best to clean the house by flashlight, which worked until they got the sweeper out.  Trying to catch up at work on a Saturday doesn’t work either when the power is out and you can’t get in the building.  No electricity means the electronic sensor has no chance of working.  All of us are accustomed to having power in our lives when we need it.

Where can we get power to face the constant challenges we meet each day?  Where can we go to get more strength? If we ask, God will give it to us.  “But you Lord, do not be far from me.  You are my strength, come quickly to help me.” (Psalm 22:19) So if your day starts a little dark, look towards the light.  From Isaiah 33:2, “Lord, be gracious to us; we long for you.  Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress.” Isn’t it amazing that we have the ear of the Creator of the Universe AND He is standing ready to help? “God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) In essence, the solution to our trials is simple.  Need more power? Go straight to the Source.

God’s Hour

cropped-IMG_1326-e1455226089616.jpgI recently read an article that made reference to ‘God’s Hour’.  It didn’t explain what that meant but it really intrigued me.  What if we chose to live in God’s Hour all the time? Our lives can get pretty complicated and we can be overwhelmed by all the junk that is thrown at us.  Problems in a relationship, a health crisis, financial woes, or job frustrations can ruin our day.  These are just a few of the things that cause us stress and fill our thoughts.

But Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”  If we internalize that, life gets a lot easier.  Here’s why: we don’t have to figure it all out.  That’s incredible!  We don’t have to figure out how to solve all the problems that arise in our day.  We can trust God to take care of them.  Sometimes the challenges are so big we don’t have a hope of fixing them on our own.  But unfortunately, we keep replaying them in our minds.  This is not a great way to live, fretting and worrying every day.

But trust this: God has our backs.  We sometimes look into the future and think things are never going to work out  for us but it says in Joshua 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a hope and a future.”   God is thinking about our future, and he is planning for it to be beautiful.  So why don’t we take each moment of our day and think of it as God’s Hour?  It will help us to unload all that junk that is clogging our minds.  As we release the worries of the day we can fill our minds with things that make us smile, bring us joy, and fill us with peace. And why not?  It’s God’s Hour.