Tag Archives: God’s Glory

Hit the Re-center Button

Three Wisemen-It's Time to Hit the Recenter Button
Love Came Down at Christmas

There’s an icon on Google Maps I appreciate: ‘re-center’.  It helps me when I get a bit off-course; it takes me back to the place I should be.  I need that button even when I’m not in my car!  This is the time of year where things get a bit crazy.   I feel like my mind is going in a million directions at once.  Here’s an example: Last weekend I transported decorative vases filled with glittery stems to the church.  Afterwards, my seats looked like a glitter blizzard had overtaken my car.  Throughout the week I couldn’t stop thinking that my next passenger would have an um….er… decorative bottom.  I’ve also been thinking about the birthday parties my family celebrates this month, the upcoming shopping trips, and the packages that need to be wrapped.  It’s clearly time for me to hit the re-center button.

We all need that button.  Our thoughts, responsibilities, and constant busyness can shift our focus from the real reason we celebrate Christmas.  And when that happens, we need to hit the re-center button.   It takes us back to the place we should be: a place called peace.  “Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10, NLT) In quietness we remember Jesus is the reason for the season.  The baby born in Bethlehem so long ago brought everything we need: salvation, love, hope, and peace. “For to us a child is born…and he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6-7, NIV) Christmas is the perfect season to celebrate with family and friends.  But it’s also a perfect time for reflection. “For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.” (Psalm 100:5, NIV) Stopping to re-center this busy season will remind us: Love came down at Christmas… and stayed.

Things to do today:

  1. Take time for reflection.
  2. Click on the blue words above for another blog: ‘Love Came Down at Christmas’ and two Christmas songs: ‘Heart of Christmas’ and ‘When Love was Born.’

He’s Alive!

While vacationing in Maui, I had the opportunity to see a lot of animals in their natural environment.  Most of them swam underwater but occasionally rose to the surface only to dive below again.   On a snorkeling tour, we saw around 20 spinner dolphins swimming right near the boat.  There was even a baby who jumped playfully out of the water!  From a distance we saw a humpback whale breaching.   It was amazing! While snorkeling, a green sea turtle glided right near my elbow, then swam to the surface for a breath of air.  Another day, my friends and I went out paddle boarding in the crystal clear waters of the Pacific.  There we were shocked to see a hammer head shark swim about 10 feet below us.  I am happy to say he DID NOT swim to the surface.  Looking back at the dolphins, whales, and turtles, it wasn’t surprising to see them at the top of the water.   We knew that even though they swam in the deep, they would eventually rise to the surface.

That’s what happened so many years ago on the Sunday following Jesus crucifixion.  He arose!  Although the Pharisees thought they would keep Him down, there was already a plan in place for Jesus to be victorious.  Luke 24:6-7, He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified, and on the third day be raised again.'”  With Jesus resurrection, everything changed.  A song from Hillsong says it best.   “Hallelujah, Jesus is alive; Death has lost its victory and the grave has been denied.  And Jesus lives forever, He’s alive!  He’s alive!”  Because Jesus conquered death, He gave us victory over all our trials too.  Hallelujah, He’s alive! 

Step Outside

Making the world is harder than you think.  My nephew Zach had to make ten different landforms for a Social Studies project.  We worked together and used Play-Doh, paint, Elmer’s glue, toothpicks, and numerous other craft items.  Making the mountains was fun, creating an island with a palm tree in the middle of the lake was neat, but shaping tiny cactus for the desert was rather tricky.  Zach got to name each place and he chose a football theme.  We had Running Back River, Quarterback Lake, and even Touchdown Island.  Our miniature ‘snapshot’ of the world took a long time to put together, but we sure enjoyed creating it.

In light of our seemingly big project, I can’t help and marvel again at God’s life-size project in creating the earth.  “The sea is His, for He made it, and His hands formed the dry land.” (Psalm 95:5) How can we even begin to describe earth’s majesty?   Willie McCool, a Space Shuttle Columbia astronaut, described earth from space.  He said, “The colors are stunning. In a single view, I see – looking out at the edge of the earth: red at the horizon line, blending to orange and yellow, followed by a thin white line, then light blue, gradually turning to dark blue and various gradually darker shades of gray, then black and a million stars above. It’s breathtaking.” “The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the work of His hands.” (Psalm 19:1) George Washington Carver stated it this way, “I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we only will tune in.” Indeed.  God uses nature as a broadcasting station?   I’ve suddenly developed a strong urge to go for a walk.

A Glorious Unfolding

amazing-736885_1280I’m thankful for the beauty in nature.  Psalm 96:11-12 says, “Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it.  Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.”  That’s a great idea-to celebrate God’s creation.   I’ve been blessed to travel to a number of amazing places in the United States and it’s impossible to pinpoint a favorite.  Northern California with its vistas overlooking the sparkling waters of the Pacific, Lake Tahoe’s mountain views surrounded by gigantic pine trees, and the majestic mountains of Yosemite National Park are breathtaking.  Seeing waterfalls flow down a river in Virginia, watching a sunrise fill the Grand Canyon, and hiking in the Green Mountains of Vermont are awe-inspiring.  The list goes on and on and in each is seen the handiwork of God.

Psalm 19:1 attests to God’s creativity.  “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”  We don’t have to travel far to see the wonder of creation.  We can walk outside on any night and marvel at the moon and stars. “Look up to the heavens.  Who created all the stars?  He brings them out like an army, one after another, calling each by its name. Because of His great power and incomparable strength, not a single one is missing.” (Isaiah 40:26)  It’s mind boggling, isn’t it?  One lifetime isn’t enough to see all the beauty God has prepared for us to enjoy.  So begin immediately to look out, look around, and look up-because God’s masterpiece is always gloriously unfolding.


Treasure Hunting

My 2 year old nephew Benjamin is fascinated by the leaves blowing in the trees and the wind coming through the doorway.  When I told him it was just the wind he said, “What’s that?”  (I’d like to say I gave him an impressive, scholarly answer but my first response was “Uh…Well…Hmm…”) How do you explain what you can’t see?  Here’s what you do,  show the evidence.  I bought him a giant blue pinwheel and we watched it spin, we looked at the swaying trees in the yard, and we watched the wind move the clouds.  Even though we explored the concept, the wind still remained a bit of a mystery.  But the evidence confirmed its existence, so we absolutely believed it was there.

Our faith in God is like that.  We can’t actually see God here on earth, but just like the wind, there is proof of Him all around us.  Psalm 19:1, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”  We see Him in an early morning sunrise, in the bright blue sky, and in the vastness of a starry night.    And Amos 4:13, “He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and reveals His thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth-the Lord God Almighty is His name.” God is everywhere.  We see Him in the laughter of happy children,  in the smile of good friends, and in the miracle of a newborn baby.  We find Him in hope, in joyful celebration, and in those perfect moments of quiet peace.  Jeremiah 29:13, “If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.” That sounds just like a treasure hunt, I’m in, are you?






The Glory of God

sky for blog

I was sitting outside today and looking at the amazing blueness of the sky when a Bible verse came to me.  From Psalm 19:1, “The Heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands.”  It made me think about all the things you see in the sky that God created: clouds, sun, stars, birds, moon, and so much more!  So my mind explored a little further and I wondered ‘What is God’s glory?’  (A million dollar question to be sure.)  From Exodus 33:18-19 “Then Moses said, ‘Now show me your glory.’  And the Lord said, ‘I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the Lord, in your presence. ‘”

Exploring the phrase ‘all my goodness,’ seems beyond human comprehension.  However, wouldn’t it be fun to challenge ourselves to look for God’s goodness in each and every day?  It’s there, you know, just waiting for someone who’s willing to take the time to see it.  Here’s a few I’ve seen just this morning: food in my cupboards, a roof over my head, a stunning sunrise, birds flying back and forth talking to their mates, the smile of a little boy, the gentle breeze that stirs my wind chimes, the peace that permeates the room, joy that bubbles from deep within, God’s word that speaks to me, the thought of friends near and far, my family who is healthy and well…the list goes on and on.

So here’s the challenge: take a week and seek diligently all the ways you can see the glory of God in each day.  And as you see Him, and you certainly will, give Him thanks.  Philippians 4:20 “To our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.”