Straight Towards the Light

My class walked to the library early this morning in a light rain with warm air.  Since we weren’t dealing with a cold wind and pelting, unforgiving rain, it was a bit of an adventure.  About an hour later, however, everything changed.  The next class walked in a thick fog with significantly colder air.  That walk to the library wasn’t enjoyable; we put our heads down and marched determinedly on.  Thankfully, the cool and damp air was soon forgotten in the light and warmth of the library.

Life has a way of throwing unwanted surprises at us too.  One minute we’re walking along just fine and in the next instant we are facing a sickness, a loss, or a challenge that seems too much to bear.  But similar to the library, we can look to the Light for rescue.  Jesus said, “I am the world’s Light; no one who follows Me stumbles around in the darkness.  I provide plenty of light to live in.”  (John 8:12)  Truth be told, we can have shelter from every storm. “For He will hide me in His shelter in time of trouble, He will conceal me in the cover of His tent; and set me high upon a rock.”  (Psalm 27:5)  We don’t have to be afraid on the dark days, because we are protected.  “God is our refuge and strength, a tested help in times of trouble.  And so we need not fear even if the world blows up and the mountains crumble into the sea.” In the middle of a storm? Put your head down and walk straight towards the Light, because once you step in, you’ll be surrounded by God’s warmth and protection.


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