Stay in this Season

Stay in this Season: A bench with fall leaves.
Stay in this Season

Is my calendar correct?  It says the month is September but when I go shopping I see workers putting out Christmas decorations.  I don’t know about you, but I plan to stay in this season.  Fall is my favorite time of year, (don’t get me wrong, Christmas is my favorite holiday, but I’ll happily wait until December to celebrate it). I like so many things about autumn: the colorful leaves, the ‘sweatshirt’ weather, Ohio State football games, and big, crackling bonfires.  I’m sure I could even list a dozen more.  But even if the retail market is trying to push me into the next season, I am going to cherish the moments in this one.

Even without the stores trying to dictate our calendars, we get ahead of ourselves.  We look at tomorrow and forget to live in today.  God planned this very day for us.  “This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.”  (Psalm 118:24 NLT) It’s good to look ahead, but there’s also value in this day. Admittedly, some days are tougher than others.  We’d like to run through the difficult and frustrating days.  But those days serve a purpose too.  They make us stronger and help us learn patience.  We must hold fast to this truth: God has perfect timing. “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under Heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1 ESV) On the rough days of life, let’s remember the good things we have in our lives.  Let’s be thankful for the many ways God has been faithful to us.  “Give thanks to the Lord for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.” (1 Chronicles 16:34 NLT) It’s that time of year again when the season is changing. But instead of looking ahead to the next one, let’s stay in this season and see what the harvest brings.

Question: What can you thank God for in this season?


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