On the Other Side

Rails to trailsLast year I went through what I’ll call my personal health crisis.  I had a back injury that kept me ‘surviving but not thriving.’  It’s hard to think about the times when I couldn’t drive, when sitting in a chair wasn’t an option, or when the pain was at its worst and I just cried.  But here’s the thing, even in the middle of this dark time, there was light.  I saw it in the faces of people who wanted to help.  My mom came and cleaned my house and took me to get groceries every week.  Numerous friends called, emailed, and sent cards.  Some friends and family stopped by for a visit and brought dinner.  A variety of people were kind enough to mow my lawn and one couple just took the job over completely.  And for them it wasn’t just mowing: Tom cleaned out my gutters (that doesn’t even get done when I’m healthy!), and Marilyn did numerous things around the house to make my life easier.  I will be forever grateful for having such loving and caring people in my life.

But today is a new day, and I’m on the other side! Psalm 9:1 says, “I will give thanks to you Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.”  I may not have been able to get my own groceries 5 months ago, but today I rode on the North Coast Inland Trail from Norwalk to Monroeville.   I enjoyed the blue sky, the bright sunshine, and the gentle breeze blowing through the trees.  It was awesome to stop at the bridge in Monroeville and watch the Huron River from above.  You can call me blessed.

So if you’re going through a tough time, let me encourage you: you will get to the other side.  This is not going to last.  But don’t do it in your own strength, put your trust in God.     Isaiah 40:31 says,    “…but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be  faint.” And let me just add, they will ride their bike and be full of joy.

22 thoughts on “On the Other Side”

    1. I am so incredibly sorry to hear about your loss. That kind of sadness fills the heart. I pray you will find comfort in the friends and family that surround you, in the sweet memories of your dad, and in the God of the universe who is your comfort and your shield.

  1. We went through what could have been a very dark season when Toby had his accident just after my brother with terminal cancer had broke his back (all within 24 hours). So very many family members, friends, and even strangers were the light for us on those dark days. It would have been so easy to ask, “Why us?” However, we just chose to learn the lesson God wanted us to learn through the circumstances. We no longer ask if those who are hurting or struggling need help, we just help. In the end, it wasn’t what the person did (big or small) that brought light to our darkness, but that they cared.

    1. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain you and your family went through. But I know with conviction God was there with you, leaning in, giving comfort through the caring people in your life. There are definitely lessons to learn in the trials, and you are responding so beautifully with the simple question, “Who needs a little light today?” I admire that.

  2. God bless you all. I myself am a breast cancer survivor. I look back now 4 years ago when I began my journey, how I got through those trying times. Had wonderful support from family and friends. Most of all the prayers are what gave me the strength and determination to beat this ugly disease!! Had many prayer warriors that I am ever so great full.

    1. Great to hear the cancer is BEHIND you. You are STRONG and COURAGEOUS. I am comforted in the knowledge that God is with us in the mountains and the valleys. May all your days be blessed.

  3. Dora,
    The words of your progress are music to my ears. I have thought about you so often and prayed for your well being. I’m thrilled you’ve come so far beyond immobility and pain. Thank God for His mercy and Gtace. I want to go along for a ride!
    Keep improving!
    With love, Lisa Goodwin

  4. What an inspiration you are indeed!!! Thank you for adding sunshine to my day!!! Looking forward to this year!! 💕💓💕💓

  5. DORA,

    This is exactly what I needed to hear today. I have been pretty much on the couch for a month now with a crushed disc in my neck causing tremendous pain from my neck, shoulder, arms, fingers. The pain has been unbearable at times and I have just cried convinced it wasn’t going to get better. Very slowly, every day is a tiny bit better. I have dealt with back pain for +25 years. I have rods, cages, screws, hundreds of shots, countless rehab hours, etc. It is very tough, at times, to go through life this way. God blessed me with the MOST AMAZING husband. He is my rock and the best support system ever. My son has watched my husband help me every step of the way and does the same. In ways, I feel like I am so much more blessed than the healthiest of people. Even through the pain, tears, and frustrations, I ALWAYS try to focus on how blessed I am. Your writings here, really helped me to know that soon I will be in the other side of my neck issues and ready to battle my next hurdle! I am so glad you are doing better. I have thought of you often, as I can really relate to have you were going through. God Bless

    1. I hate to hear that you are in such pain! That is NOT the way God intended for us to live. I will pray for continued healing and NO MORE PAIN. I believe you will get to the other side of this.

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