Let the Fun Begin! School Reviews

School visits rock!Here's what one student has to say about school visits. School visits are fun!

Interested in an author visit?  Send an email to dora.wilbur2015@gmail.com


Let the Fun Begin!  Here’s the School Reviews…

“Dora came to our school in December and read her book, “Benjamin and Bon Bon Explore Winter.” Her book was highly engaging for a wide range of students. They listened, laughed, and even had a snowball fight at the end! We loved having Dora visit our school and share her gift of writing with us!”

Cassandra Hartzler Director                           Northside Christian Academy & Preschool

Fun Times at Furry Elementary

“Your presentation was perfect for our Right to Read Week! It was engaging for both staff and students. The students related easily to the main character and LOVED predicting what Bon Bon was always thinking. The students were talking about the “snowball fight” for days after you left and could not wait to read the next book!”

Brittany Righi, 2nd Grade Teacher

More Fun at Monroeville Elementary

“Our students were extremely lucky to have a visit from a local author, Dora Wilbur.  She was able to captivate their attention with her story, Benjamin and Bon Bon Explore Winter.  The kids loved the repetitive pattern in the story and felt like they were “reading” with her during parts of the story.  Our students that pre-ordered her book and stuffed Bon Bon were excited to receive them promptly the day of her visit.  Our student population for the assembly was K-3.  Dora is a retired teacher and knows how to control and interact with her audience to make the most of her presentation.  If your school has the opportunity to have Dora as a visitor, I would highly recommend that you take advantage of it!  We would love to have her visit again. ”

Stephanie Houser, 1st Grade Teacher

Dora Wilbur visited our Catholic school in March and presented to our Preschool – Second grade students. Her presentation was very informational and entertaining. Her theme of dogs was well liked. Each student was also given a chance to join a snowball fight or participate in a scavenger hunt. All our teachers felt that Dora Wilbur maintained their attention and encouraged good behavior. We would HIGHLY recommend that you invite Dora Wilbur to your next event.


Mrs. Jessica Rodriguez

Preschool teacher
St. Patrick Catholic School