It’s Not Over Yet

Rainbow Sky
It’s Not Over Yet

It might be putting it mildly to say I’m a Buckeye fan.  Last night as I watched the game I kept thinking of the work I absolutely had to do.  So even though my team was behind, I hit the record button, intending to watch the rest of the game later.  I knew the truth about my team-they may be down right now, but it’s not over yet.  I tried not to think about the game, but as I left work I had to check the score on my phone.  Imagine my delight to see my team had made a huge comeback and won the game by a point!  Later, as I watched the two teams battle, I was able to relax, because I knew how it ended.  But the commentators didn’t-they were so negative towards whatever team was struggling. Why is it easier to talk about the negative than it is to focus on the positive?

When things around us are off balance, we need to remember: it’s not over yet. We don’t have to focus on the negative in any situation because it will just bring us down.  Although it’s easier to look at the negative, we can rely on God’s strength to focus on the positive“…Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.” (Ephesians 6:10 NLT) Sometimes that means we have to tune out the negative people around us and tightly grab ahold of good thoughts.  “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” (Philippians 4:8 ESV)  If we only look at what’s wrong in our lives, we’ll miss all the things that are right. So next time we get caught in the ‘rain’, let’s take the time to look for the rainbow.

Things to do today:

  1. Think good thoughts.
  2. You can also click on the blue lines above for an uplifting song and another blog about being positive: The Comeback and Think Good Thoughts


2 thoughts on “It’s Not Over Yet”

  1. I noticed the comment taters (intentional typo) too, they drove me nuts. As soon as I saw your blog title I thought of the game and, aha! that’s what you wrote! I like your perspective. I was not calm at all last night😨

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