Hold Fast to Peace

Picture this: late evening in an overcrowded parking lot, snowy and cold, with 2,000 impatient people trying to leave at the same time.  There was high potential for angry words and honking horns.  Since we wanted to keep the good feeling of the season, my sister-in-law and I waited patiently in a long line of cars.  To entertain ourselves, we started making jokes as we watched drivers cutting in front of other cars and forcing their way through to the exits.  It went like this: “They clearly never went to kindergarten-because that’s where you learn to take turns.”  Or, “Maybe they only had half-day kindergarten.” You know what?  As silly as our jokes were, it worked.  We didn’t get upset with the choices people were making.  We held fast to peace.

It was always God’s plan for us to live in peace. Romans 14:19, “Therefore let us pursue the things which produce peace and the things that build up one another.”  It’s such a busy time of year and we all have more on our ‘to-do’ list than there are hours in the day.  We need to remember that everyone is feeling the pressure of this busy season, and be deliberate about showing kindness, staying patient, and being thoughtful.  “And if it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”  (Romans 12:18) In this season of giving, let’s remember another of God’s wonderful gifts: peace.  He said, “Peace I leave to you; my peace I give you.”  (John 14:27)  Here’s what I’m thinking, since God took the time to present us with this beautiful gift of peace, we ought to make plans to keep it.

2 thoughts on “Hold Fast to Peace”

  1. Peace is the greatest gift. I find it fleetingly but when I do I am so grateful. Thanks for the reminder that it is always accessible.

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