Help is on the Way

Help is in the Way: Lighthouse at night
Help is on the Way

No one ever wants to make a 911 call.  But if anyone dials that number, help is on the way.  FTMC is a hospital near my house.  Late in the evening you can see the hospital sign from quite a distance away.  The light is a beacon, calling all who are hurt to come in.  It’s packed with staff doing their best to bring comfort, care, and kindness in what is too often unpleasant and painful circumstances.  If we stopped to peek in the windows we would see nurses, doctors, volunteers, receptionists, physical therapists, and a plethora of other personnel striving to meets the needs of the hurting patients. The Life Flight helicopter can be heard above my house on an all-too regular basis.  When it’s needed, you can be sure they’re coming to help.

I’m so glad God stands ready to help us too.  If we dial a ‘911 prayer’, help is on the way. “God is our refuge and strength, a help always near in times of great trouble.” (Psalm 46:1 CEB) During the battles that go on and on, we can find rest as we draw near to God.  “The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety.” (Psalm 18:2 NLT) Despite what it may feel like, we’re never in a fight alone.  In fact, it’s best to take a step back and let God handle it.  “The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” (Exodus 14:14 NLT) Feeling overwhelmed today?  Pick up your prayer ‘phone’ and make that call, because help is on the way.

Point to ponder: Is there an area in your life where you need to ‘pick up the phone’?

2 thoughts on “Help is on the Way”

  1. Here’s Psalm 119:25, NIV. We shared this one at prayer meeting Wednesday night:

    I am laid low in the dust;
    preserve my life according to your word.

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