Chased by Goodness

Some time ago I flew to Texas to support a family I loved during a heart-wrenching time of trial. Struggling in the last days of his life was a husband, a father, and a friend. His loved ones faced the crisis in different ways: flat-out denial, avoidance, or quiet acceptance with inner turmoil.  I tried to balance my time meeting the needs of everyone involved, including my friend who was in his final days. It wasn’t easy, but the prayers of many friends kept me upright.  Flying home after that experience, I was weary and exhausted.  I told God I had nothing left to give, and I was ready for the peace and rest of Heaven.  Immediately I looked out the window and filling the sky was a massive, gorgeous rainbow.  Moved to tears, deep inside me I felt these words, “It’s not your time.  You have so many promises in front of you.”

Are any of you feeling weary today?  Does it seem like you can’t face another day or another challenge?  Hang on, because God is saying you have promises in front of you.  From Isaiah 61:3, “To all who mourn He will give beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair…”  There are better days ahead; days of strength, hope, and light.  “Because you got a double dose of trouble and more than your share of contempt, your inheritance in the land will be doubled, and your joy will go on forever.”  (Isaiah 61:7)   Expect God’s goodness to come bursting into your circumstances. “Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. (Psalm 23:6)  Here’s a promise: God’s goodness is chasing after you. (Take my advice: slow down and let it catch you.) 

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