Category Archives: Hope

The Trees Know a Secret

treeThis summer was a hot and dry one in Northeast Ohio.  There were relentless, unforgiving temperatures in the 90’s day after day.  A once-thriving lawn became brown from the scorching and arid summer.  Although we looked ridiculous, most of us in my neighborhood strategically mowed our lawns where the persistent weeds continued to grow. But here’s an enigma, throughout the dog days of summer, the trees in my yard were still green and thriving.  By looking at them, you’d think they received a perfect allotment of sunshine and rain.   But we know better than that!  Their secret is in the roots.  The roots grow deep to keep the tree stable, to absorb water from the soil, and to get much-needed nutrients.  For that reason, even in a drought, the tree remains healthy and continues to grow.

There’s a lesson for us here.  We go through tough times too.  Deadlines, pressures, bills, health issues, and challenges in relationships can make a season linger.   What do we do when we’re searching for the rain but we’re standing in the fire?  That’s when we go deeper to that place of absolute trust.  Jeremiah 17:7-8 says, “But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him.  He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.  It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green.  It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”  When trouble comes, and it surely will, we can stand firm because there is help available.   Nahum 1:7, “The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble.  He cares for those who trust in Him.”  So let’s learn a lesson from the trees: when we go a little deeper it will take us a little higher.

Keep Hope Alive

I’m a Cleveland Browns fan.  On most Sunday afternoons my tv will be tuned into the game.  But sometimes when the game gets frustrating, a nap sounds like a good alternative option.  But my mom and niece Dawn are diehard fans.  Here’s proof: One year they got tickets to go to a Steelers vs. Browns game, at Heinz Field.  It was one of those Sunday afternoons when the snow is falling relentlessly in a blizzard-type atmosphere and anyone even thinking of going to a game should have their head examined.  Yet Dawn and mom bundled up and covered all those layers with Brown’s coats, hats, and scarves.   As they boarded the downtown Pittsburg bus the place was packed with Steeler fans.  And every single one went silent when they saw the audacity of two orange and brown-dressed fans.  (Pause for awkward silence…)  Then finally the words, “Brown’s fans sit in the back.”  Can anyone relate to this? Are you the fan that will cheer for your team even if the odds are stacked against you?

What’s that about? One word: hope.  It doesn’t matter what’s happened in the past or even what the scoreboard says at the moment.  We still have a chance to win.  We will hope against hope that this is the season where our team shines.

In a similar way, we can have hope in our own lives when we need a personal breakthrough.  1 Corinthians 2:9, “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him.”  Are you in the middle of a tough time?  Take heart, because God is thinking about you.   His plans for you are beautiful.  From Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  So hang on, because there are better days ahead.  And turn on the game, because this is a new season, and this could be the one that changes everything.