This is Only a Season

Sunlight over a snowy landscape.
This is only a season.

Tonight as I drove home in the late afternoon the sky in front of me appeared gloomy and gray.  The barren trees lined the snow-covered road.  Freezing rain is in the forecast and the ominous clouds seem to agree.  If I let myself, I could easily hide under the covers until winter moves on.  But one thing I know, weather has a way of changing, sometimes quite quickly.  In Ohio we may have 3 inches of snow, then the following day have temperatures in the 50’s with a little sunshine.  I can get impatient when waiting for spring, but year after year it proves faithful, spring indeed does come.  I must remember this is only a season.

We often hope for change in our lives too.   Perhaps we’d like a better job or improved health.  Maybe we need a change in our relationships or in our finances.  When we’re in a tough season, we can cry out to God.  He is always listening. “Our LORD, we belong to you. We tell you what worries us, and you won’t let us fall.” (Psalm 55:22, CEV)   When the clouds are blocking our view of what’s ahead, we can trust God is planning to ‘change the weather’.  “I will bless you with a future filled with hope–a future of success, not of suffering.” (Jeremiah 29:11, CEV) Hang tough, just like the cold winters of Ohio, a change of season is coming.  “Look, the winter is past, and the rains are over and gone. The flowers are springing up, the season of singing birds has come…” (Song of Solomon 2:11-12, NLT)  Although the sky is dark today, keep looking up, because this is only a season.

Things to do today:

  1. Tell God your troubles, worries, and fears.
  2. Read a similar blog called ‘A New Season’ and listen to songs: ‘Cry Out to Jesus’ and ‘Hope in Front of Me.’


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