We Need a Change

We Need a Change
Sunlight Over Spring Flowers

Yesterday my family had  a garage sale at my house.  The day started cold and rainy and we wondered about our ‘brilliant’ plan to have a sale on this day.  Let’s face it-this cold, wet, and dreary weather has held on too long-we need a change.  Throughout the day people talked about the cold day and the length of the winter; it seems we’re all hoping for a change in the weather.  We actually ran a small heater in the garage and bundled up in jackets and blankets.  We took turns running into the house to get warm and repeatedly drank hot tea to ward off the chill.  Who thought we’d need to do that at the end of April? Looking at the forecast for next week, I am happy to say warmer temperatures are heading our way.

We need change in other ways  too.  Perhaps a sickness has held on too long, or a particular problems lingers on.  There are times stress, worry, and fears remain in our lives long after their ‘expiration’ date.  Take heart, right now God is planning good things for us.  “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:19, NLT) The faithfulness of God gives us hope when we need a change in our circumstances.  “I call this to mind, and therefore I have hope:  Because of the LORD’s faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end.  They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness! ” (Lamentations 3:21-23 HCSB) When winter lasts way too long, we need a change. That’s the perfect time to let hope rise…while looking forward to the beauty of a new season.

Things to do today:

  1. Get your hopes up and believe for change.
  2. Read a similar blog called ‘A New Season’ and listen to songs ‘Promises’ and ‘I Need a Miracle.’


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