That’s a Promise

There’s always a little uncertainty about winter weather in Ohio.  One forecast calls for tons of snow; another predicts we will have little snow but frigid temperatures.  Quite frankly, I just want to know if I should be preparing my ‘snow-shoveling muscles.’  (I’m not even sure if I have any.  I wonder if I can buy them on Amazon?)  A few years back I remember opening my garage door and having the snow reach my shoulders, which completely ended the thought of going anywhere, and totally changed all plans for that day.  Is it too much to ask what to expect?  Is it too much to want to get ready for any contingency?

Sometimes the future feels like that too-total uncertainty.  We just want to know what’s coming so we can be prepared.  Fortunately, there is a way to get ready for the unknowns that are ahead of us. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding; In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”  (Proverbs 3:5-6)  Let’s be honest, we’re all going to face challenges in this coming year, but knowing we don’t have to face them alone should erase our fears.  Since God is always with us, we can remain steadfast. “Be strong and courageous; do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)   Clearly, we can’t predict what tomorrow will bring, but we do have an absolute  guarantee.  From Isaiah 43:2, “I will be with you.”   Let this sink into your heart: You are not going to face even one minute of your future alone; and that, my friend, is a promise.

4 thoughts on “That’s a Promise”

  1. I have been having a lot of conversations about faith with the mother of one of my patients. After Eli’s accident a few weeks ago, she asked how I wasn’t consumed with worry while we awaited the paramedics and then life flight. It lead to a great conversation about how faith and worry can’t exist in the same heart. Sure, it would have been nice to know then and there that he was going to be okay, but I knew who was in control and we already had our amazing church family praying for him (our Pastor even beat Toby to the hospital in Toledo).

    1. That is such an amazing testimony of faith and trust! I think people who go through the fire, as you have too many times, really have an understanding of the deepest levels of trust. I can’t help but think that the mother who you talked to will remember your faith and draw on that conversation someday when she most needs it. God is so pleased with you for sharing your faith with her.

  2. So true. I forget God is with me when I allow my fear to rise up. Every time I have turned it over to Him He has been there to help me with whatever comes.

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