Stay in the Fight

I had fun today watching my niece Taylor play in a 7th grade volleyball tournament.  Even though her team was a bit of an underdog, I still wanted to tell her to ‘stay in the fight.’  Most sports are about process: learning the skills, practicing the skills, and putting them to the test.  Since I’ve watched her team over the season, I can see the improvement they’ve made.  Today they played well and even battled to take a game from the number one seed.  They ended up losing the match, but they are making forward progress!  Although today ended this season, there are still many volleyball games in Taylor’s future.

We have difficult days when we just want to shut down, to mentally ‘check out’ of our lives.  But we also need to stay in the fight.  We can’t look at a difficult time and think our lives are over.  We must remember this is one moment in time, and we have many good days ahead of us.   We may feel alone in this, but that’s just not true! “The Lord is the one who is going ahead of you.  He will be with you.  He won’t abandon you or leave you. So don’t be afraid or terrified.” (Deuteronomy 31:8 GWT) We can ask God to shelter us during the long days and sleepless nights.  “He will cover you with his feathers.  He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.” (Psalm 91:4) Even when everything seems to be coming against us, we shouldn’t give up.  Although we can’t always see it, God is fighting battles for us.  “…the Lord your God is the one fighting for you…”  (Deuteronomy 3:22 NASB)

Things to do today:

  1. Ask God to shelter you through this tough time in your life.
  2. You can also click on the blue lines above for these uplifting songs: You’re an Overcomer and I am Not Alone


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